Thursday, October 25, 2007

Gnarls Barkley Crazy Theremin Jam

And another awesome theremin piece - this time a little less formal. :)


  1. I some how stumbled upon your blog thru facebook. Saw the theremin, and it reminded me of being at a show. This musician was playin an instrument that i havn't heard live before. No one really saw it so it kinda looked like she was playing on an invisible string, and thats what she said it was. After that night, some investigation by my part was undergone and i found the theremin. One of my all time favorite instruments. I've never played one tho, do you own one or have acess to one?

  2. Hey, Jim. Glad you found my blog, and the theremin jam!

    Funny you should mention, because I just borrowed a small theremin from a good friend today! But I haven't even had a chance to put a battery in and see how it works.

    I can ask if you can take a look sometime, but I am still in awe of this thing, never having heard it live, and I want to uber careful.

    See you Thursday!
