Wednesday, January 9, 2008

No Mozart Am I

This thought has been with me for years, but it just tapped me on the shoulder a few days ago, so I thought I'd share it with you.

While there certainly are similarities, the majority of the composing I do is categorically different from the composing of tonal-era Classical composers - Mozart, for example. Nearly all of my creations are tailored to a specific genre of project, be it live theater, film, or music theater.

The nature of the current project deeply influences not only the mood but even the very method of constructing each piece of music. My works, therefore, seem quite varied and eclectic. A good number of tonal-era works, in contrast, seem to be playing the same game and following the same set of rules.

Of course, this is a simplistic observation - not least because I constantly struggle to come out of the shell that is my simplistic, triadic, tonal foundation - but it is an observation that rings true for me nonetheless. I certainly do not mean by this to disparage the work done by earlier composers. I simply feel that what I do in practice rooms in front of a piano is largely a different process from that of many established composers of old.

But perhaps I am wrong. Perhaps I give my uniqueness too much credit. What do you think? If you are a composer, do you feel like your work is essentially the same work as Bach or Beethoven?

1 comment:

  1. Kyle,

    Thanks for the nice comment. I've been meaning to thank you for teaching me about the theremin. It's come up in several conversations since you posted about it.

