Thursday, February 5, 2009

2nd Annual 24-Hour Musicals at CUA

What happens when teams of playwrights, composers, directors, actors, singers, and pianists are given 24 hours to write, rehearse, and perform original 10-minute musicals?


The 2nd annual 24-Hour Musicals at CUA.

Saturday, February 21 at 8:30PM
Ward Hall, School of Music
Catholic University of America, Washington, DC


Contact me for more information. See you there!


  1. Awesome! I'm happy you're doing this again. You've got a great thing going here, particularly since it's the musical variety! I hope it's a lot of fun.

  2. I just hope a lot of other people think the same and participate! (If you live in DC, that means you!)

    Since it's coming up this Saturday, expect my contribution to be featured in two weeks, Friday 2/27, on New Music Appetizer Week #5.

    I'm glad I can write this year rather than simply organizing it. Should be fun!
