Tuesday, September 2, 2008

CUA POST #1: Music Exploration Groups

For anyone who is interested, I will be organizing two distinct weekly listening groups as an opportunity to explore new music. If you're interested in possibly attending one or both, keep an eye out for posters confirming a meeting time and place.
Also, if you want to attend but have a scheduling conflict, e-mail me and we'll see what we can do. Thanks!

Opera/Music Theater
Tentative time: Wednesdays, 1:30-4pm, location TBD
Listening to CDs - possibly watching DVDs is we can get the equipment - of various works of opera and musical theater. A special effort will be made to explore works/composers being performed at CUA and in the DC area (WNO, etc.). Selections are decided by popular vote. I'm hoping to attract a good mix of composers, voice majors, etc.

Contemporary Music
Tentative time: Fridays, 1-2pm, Ward 211
Listening to CDs and excerpts of interest to composers today, with the score when possible. We'll mostly explore music since 1945, although anything is fair game, really. This was really fun, fairly educational, and mostly successful last year... plus it's only one hour.

1 comment:

  1. wow. somehow I missed and just saw your slew of posts about CUA.

    You are quite possibly the best thing that could have happened to that school!
