Monday, May 24, 2010

How to Work with Composers: An e-Guide for Theater Productions

I know, it's been a while since my latest opera update. That's because I've been too busy writing it to write on here.

While you're waiting for my glorious pronouncement of "finished!", check out this great article by my colleague and good friend Candace Bilyk:

A fellow grad of Catholic University, Candace is also involved in that niche world of composing for live theater productions. The article advises directors and writers on the ins and outs of collaborating with composers. Check it out!


  1. Thanks for linking this! And being in it!

    I should figure out how to make my professional name be "Candy". So many people told me, "oh you should use Candace!" (picture that in a crone voice) but it grates on me to see my friends use it. Or maybe I should just get over it, haha.

  2. I'm in a select group of people, those who "know"... Didn't want to blow your cover, you know. :)
